Memecraft: Narrative Dynamics, Discursive Control and Capital in Crypto Culture
My article co-written with Beth McCarthy on Memecraft was just published in Eth Investors Club Magazine! It is based on our Devcon talk but with a slightly different twist considering the current state of the Trump administration and the use of DOGE actually now happening in real time as we warned in our talk just…
Book Review of Red Team Blues by Cory Doctorow
A couple of months ago I received an email from Cory Doctorow, a well known left leaning technology activist and crypto critic whom I’ve interviewed on the podcast before, asking if I would be open to reviewing his latest fiction novel titled Red Team Blues. I was surprised and honoured to be asked to do…
The First Communist Network State is Already Here: Working Class Sovereignty
A few weeks ago, I visited Granada, Spain, to meet with my friend and comrade Giulio Quarta from the Crypto Commons Association before heading off to another city to meet more friends. On my last day there we decided to rent a car and take a day trip to Marinaleda, a village in the Andalusian…
Disconnected: Response to Paris Marx on Web3
A concept is a brick. It can be used to build a courthouse of reason. Or it can be thrown through the window.” – Brian Massumi’s preface to A Thousand Plateaus by Deleuze and Guattari Tech backlash is in vogue and for many good reasons. People are realizing the downsides of big tech and becoming disillusioned…
Crypto World needs to tell Larry Summers to f*ck off
If it were possible to reduce modern neoliberalism into a single person, I think Lawrence H Summers would be make the ranking of top 10 people it could be. Larry has had a long career of working with some of the most controversial figures in American politics and is of course one himself. After an…
Commodity Fetishism, Feet Pics, and Ideology
For this article, I was inspired by the book Marx’s Theory on the Genesis of Money: How, Why, and Through What is a Commodity Money by Samezō Kuruma from Haymarket Books. When you think of fetishism the first thing that comes to mind is probably whatever weirdly specific sexual kink you psychologically need to get…
Yang’s Got a Blockchain Identity Crisis
It is the year 2023. You are climbing into your Tesla Cybertruck to drive to your local small town “entrepreneur and bitcoin enthusiast” meetup event where you will get to listen to a business seminar lead by Pewdiepie. You turn on the Cybertruck self-driving capabilities and pull up some Dave Chappelle standup videos from YouTube…
The Terrible Things that Would Happen in a Capitalist Blockchain World: Libra
Whether you like it or not, it’s very likely that the blockchain is coming to a future near you. As much as it is a buzzword for corporate neoliberal lizards, there’s a reason for it. That’s because their lizard brain pleasure centers have recognized how it could be used in specific ways to improve their…
Cocaine, the ICO Bubble, and Neoliberalism
As economic policy, neoliberalism appears in the form of market based reforms like deregulation, privatization, and austerity. When Bill Clinton repealed the Glass-Steagall Act which allowed commercial and investment banks to join together who were originally separated due to the speculation of people’s money leading to the Great Depression, ~neoliberalism~. When the European Union, European…