Category: Interviews

  • Conviction Voting for 24/7 Democracy with Paul Glavin

    I spoke with Paul Glavin, contributor to 1Hive and founder of Gardens v2, a platform for communities to manage assets democratically using conviction voting. 1Hive was one of the first projects in the crypto space to explore alternative governance mechanisms on Gnosis Chain which is the chain where we’ve build Breadchain Cooperative. We discussed what conviction voting is, how to…

  • How to Build Community in Crypto with Beth McCarthy

    While at Devcon 2024 I spoke to Beth McCarthy, program director of Funding the Commons which I also spoke at in Bangkok about our progress on building on-chain post-capitalism with Breadchain Cooperative. Beth is also my co-author for the Katabasis crypto science fiction series and we spoke together at Devcon about the meme power of capital and why it’s bad. We discussed Beth’s suggestions…

  • All my friends hate Google Docs with Andreas Tsamados

    While at Devcon 2024 I spoke to Andreas Tsamados, cofounder of Fileverse and anime gif connoisseur. I highly recommend trying out as a decentralized alternative to google docs. We spoke about the issue of radical communities using google docs, the importance of decentralized and censorship resistance knowledge sharing systems, and how this is all possible on Fileverse.

  • Alternatives to VC, Digital Governance and Public AI with Josh Tan

    While at Devcon 2024 I spoke to Josh Tan, the founder of Metagov, a laboratory for digital governance and lead of DAOstar, a DAO standards body (that I have also been doing some work with as well). We spoke about making democracy just as available as autocracy in digital systems, making alternatives to venture capital, and AI as…

  • How to Die a Good Death with Sarah Friend

    While at Devcon 2024 I spoke to Sarah Friend,an artist and software developer from Canada and based in Berlin. In 2023, she was a research fellow at Summer of Protocols, led by Venkatesh Rao and the Ethereum Foundation, studying the death of protocols and published a paper on “Good Death“. We discussed her findings in her…

  • How to do resilient Global Collaboration on decentralized protocols with Jake Hartnell

    In Thailand at Funding the Commons I spoke to Jake Hartnell, co-founder of Layer, a modular tech stack to build decentralized protocols using Eigen Layer’s shared security. Jake is also a contributor to Juno and DAO DAO in the Cosmos ecosystem. During the discussion we simplify how Eigen Layer works, what new affordances it brings, and what…

  • How to play the legal system for post-capitalism with Florian Gatz

    In Thailand I spoke to Florian Glatz, probably the first crypto focused lawyer in Europe and possibly the world and co-founder of Common Ground, an on-chain social network. Florian also helped author some part of the MiCA legislation in the EU which lays out the legal framework for cryptocurrences. We spoke about his experiences in the early…

  • How to live as a Post-Capitalist

    While in Thailand during the Funding the Commons design jam, I spoke to Tony Lai a co-steward of Mothertree Labs with Susanne Aichele who I spoke to in the last episode and Founder of the Blockchain Group at CodeX Stanforf and an Edmund Hillary Fellow. We spoke about Tony’s interest in how to embody being a post-capitalist, Buddhist vs. Christian imagery, as well…

  • Imagining Post-Capitalism through World Building

    While in Thailand during the Funding the Commons design jam, I spoke to Susanne Aichele from Mothertree Labs. Susanne is a filmmaker, researcher, and communication practitioner focused on the intersection of ecology, community, and identity, leveraging experience with BBC, National Geographic, the UN, and WHO to create projects that foster interconnected ecologies and non-extractive practices. We spoke about…

  • Is crypto a scam or FINDOM fetish?

    There seems to be an ever increasingly thin line between crypto, scams, and financial domination. I spoke to Steve Pikelny, CEO, CTO, CFO, COO of and Jesus pamphlet collector aka steviep about his newest art project FinSexy to explore the uncomfortable intersection between AI, findom and crypto. If you liked the podcast be sure to give it a…

  • Who Controls the Killswitch?

    I spoke to Eric Alston again! Eric is a professor at University of Colorado and recently completed a fellowship with the Summer of Protocols studying the governance of killswitches. His report is titled “Killswitch Protocols: Or On Engineering Recursive System Death” and co-authored with Seth Killian and Garrette David. During the interview we discussed the history of…

  • Tech Workers Coalition: Adapting the Labor Movement for the Digital Age

    For this episode I spoke to Simone Robutti. Simone works as an organization designer, adversarial researcher, and teacher. Formerly a software developer, he has been part of different chapters of Tech Workers Coalition since 2018. During the interview we discussed how to start a labor union at your tech company, innovative ways to go on strike, and how…

  • Islamic Economics: Solving Wealth Inequality by Mixing Libertarianism with… SOCIALISM??

    For this episode I spoke to Ahmed Gatnash, the Executive director of Kawaakibi Foundation. He is also a Strategy Advisor at the Albert Einstein Institution, and is the co-author of Middle East Crisis Factory, a primer on systemic crises and a vision for a positive future for the MENA region. During the discussion we spoke about the context…

  • The Future of Social Media with Suji Yan (Mask Network)

    For this episode I spoke to Suji Yan, CEO and founder of Mask Network. Mask’s main product is an open-sourced browser extension that wraps around several web2 and web3 social media networks. Rather than starting a new social media platform, the extension brings the benefits of both kinds of social media. During the discussion we spoke about…

  • EthicHub: La lucha por un café Ético / The struggle for Ethical Coffee (CER)

    This episode is part of a subseries where I’ve partnered with my comrade Giulio Quarta from the Crypto Commons Association and their initiative called the Commons Economy Roadmap (CER) where we will be interviewing some of the projects listed as part of the CER. In this interview we spoke to Neri Ortiz and Lucía Ruiz who both live in Mexico. Neri…

  • It doesn’t matter if the AI is fake, it’s all magic anyways

    For this episode I spoke to Nick Susi, Executive Director of Strategy at dotdotdash who recently wrote a really interesting article on his Substack titled magic, online!. The article goes into the history of magical thinking that accompanied many of the past’s technological achievements like phones that let you talk to the dead or fairies that appeared in some…

  • Sovereign Nature Initiative : How to ReFi without carbon credits with Andrea Leiter

    This episode is part of a subseries where I’ve partnered with my comrade Giulio Quarta from the Crypto Commons Association and their initiative called the Commons Economy Roadmap (CER) where we will be interviewing some of the projects listed as part of the CER. In this interview we spoke to Andrea Leiter, co-founder of Sovereign Nature Initiative (SNI). SNI uses blockchain to turn…

  • Why Socialism Needs Spirituality (Red Enlightenment)

    For this episode I spoke to Graham Jones, the author of Red Enlightenment, published through Repeater Books like Blockchain Radicals. Red Enlightenment argues not only for a deepened understanding of religious matters, but calls for the secular left to develop its own spiritual perspectives. It proposes a materialist spirituality built from socialist and scientific sources, finding points of…

  • Compeerism: How the Commons can succeed where the Silicon Valley led digital revolution failed

    For this episode I spoke to Dr. Hannes Gerhardt, a Professor of Geography at the University of West Georgia. His research spans a range of topics within political geography and geoeconomics. We spoke about his new book FROM CAPITAL TO COMMONS: Exploring the Promise of a World Beyond Capitalism. During the interview we spoke about his…

  • Anoma: Undefining Money and Scaling Anarchism with Christopher Goes (CER)

    This episode is the start of a subseries where I’ve partnered with my comrade Giulio Quarta from the Crypto Commons Association and their initiative called the Commons Economy Roadmap (CER) where we will be interviewing some of the projects listed as part of the CER. In this first interview we’ve spoken to Christopher Goes, co-founder of Anoma,  a framework for an ecosystem…

  • Governable Spaces: Designing Democracy for the Internet

    I´m once again speaking with Nathan Schneider about his newly released book, Governable Spaces: Democratic Design for Online Life.  In Governable Spaces, Nathan Schneider argues that the internet has been plagued by a phenomenon he calls “implicit feudalism”: a bias, both cultural and technical, for building communities as fiefdoms. The consequences of this arrangement matter far beyond…

  • Platformization: The platform organizational form is eating the world and we can do better

    My friend and researcher of the politics of tech platforms, Gianmarco Cristofari recently had an extended in my apartment and so we thought it’d be a great opportunity to interview each other. He interviewed me here for the Institute for Network Cultures to talk about my book and the left’s relationship with crypto. We spoke about how platforms are…

  • Cute anime girl pfps or funding mechanism for esoteric neo-fascism? (Miladys and Remilia Corp)

    For this episode I spoke to James Brennan (@jt_bren) who has been finishing up his Masters at the University of Colorado focused on crypto. As part of his research he took a dep dive into the infamous group behind the Miladys NFT collection, Remilia Corp. During the discussion we spoke about esoteric political ideologies professed…

  • Obol Network – How DVT helps decentralize Ethereum and incentivize collectivism

    I spoke to Oisín Kyne, co-founder and CTO of Obol Network,  an ecosystem for trust minimized Ethereum staking that enables people to create, test, run and coordinate distributed validators. Distributed Validator Technology (DVT) enables the duties of an Ethereum validator to be performed across a cluster of nodes in order to improve resilience as compared to running…

  • Fund evacuations from Gaza with ETH –

    I spoke to Kat (katalunia.eth) who is behind a project called ETH Evacuations which is taking donations to pay for families to get out of Gaza through the Rafah crossing. Kat is a product manager and startup builder, most recently Head of Product at Zora and travelled to Gaza in June 2023 to be a mentor in…

  • From hacking the CIA as a teenager to community computers

    I spoke to Mustafa Al-Bassam, co-founder and CEO of Celestia, a modular blockchain network that makes for others to securely launch their own blockchain. Mustafa was also a member of the black hat hacking group LulzSec under the name T-Flow known for hacking the CIA website, newspapaers owned by Rupert Murdoch, and other corporate and state organizations in 2011.…

  • accelerationism is back and tech elites are making it cringier than it already was (e/acc)

    If you’ve been surfing the tech sphere lately, you may have come across the term e/acc or effective accelerationism as if it was something new. But like most of these tech elite driven ideologies, it’s largely a mutation of more naive and sometimes sinister trends. For this episode I spoke to Adam Jones, host of Acid…

  • Tokens: The Future of Money in the Age of the Platform (gang gang mmm ice cream so good)

    Tokens have increasingly more popular beyond just in the crypto world *gang gang mmm ice cream so good*. Tokens are not new, but how they have been  used and their proliferation have exploded with the rise of digital platforms. I spoke to Rachel O’Dwyer,  writer and a lecturer in Digital Cultures in the National College of…

  • A Regenerative Village as a DAO in Portugal (Traditional Dream Factory)

    You can find the video version of the interview here where I’ve cut the interview with some film I took while at TDF. In this episode I spoke to Sam Delesque (@samueldelesque), founder of Traditional Dream Factory (TDF), a regenerative village based in Abela, Portugal that is blending crypto with permaculture and community. TDF is the first village part…

  • OTNS: Is Praxis a bunch of fascists dressed as libertarians?

    In this episode of OTNS, we spoke to Ali Breland, a journalist at Mother Jones who has written on crypto and politics, about his recent publication about the links between Praxis and far right figures. We spoke about his experience of going to a Praxis sponsored party in NYC, his interviews with ex-employees about the fascist sympathies of the…

  • China is a Process: Understanding the Chinese Crypto Diaspora Community

    In this episode I spoke to Afra Wang, a Chinese diaspora journalist who has been in crypto now for a year and a half with Mask Network and organizer of the ZuConnect Decentralized Social Day in Istanbul where I moderated a panel on technology addiction in crypto. Given that usually crypto is often seen through and talked about…

  • Web3 Workers Rights, Exit to Community, and Solidarity Primitives

    In this episode I spoke to my friend and scholar Tara Merk who is part of BlockchainGov and has been focusing her PhD thesis on Exit to Community (E2C). E2C is proposed as an alternative to IPOs or buyouts for founders of businesses to be able to be compensated for their work while giving ownership of their business to…

  • Building autonomous infrastructure for tactical media

    In this episode I spoke to Geert Lovink, a Dutch media theorist and founder of the Institute of Network Cultures who has been engaged with internet culture since at least the 80s. We were recently together in Cyprus for the latest installment of MoneyLab,  which he also co-founded. Talking with him was a great way to gain more understanding…

  • Seeing crypto for what it is and how to live with contradiction with Brett Scott

    In this episode I spoke with Brett Scott, an independent scholar, writer, and defender of physical cash from a left point of view. Brett was involved in the early Bitcioin communities and one of the first guests of the podcast back in 2020 so it was nice to be able to talk to him again after so…

  • Postcapitalist Computing & Currency with Zachary Marlow from the Moneyless Society Podcast

    During this last Crypto Commons Gathering I had the pleasure to meet Zachary Marlow from the Moneyless Society Podcast. We had the idea of recording a joint podcast with Zachary leading to talk about post-capitalism, crypto, and money. The discussion was also recorded in video format  which you can find  here on the Moneyless Society Podcast YouTube channel which I…

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