CCG Chronicles #1 – Interview with Jeff Emmett of Commons Stack

Hi all, I have a pretty big announcement to make which is that I’m filming a documentary about the cryptocurrency space! As part of the film I’ve been doing a bit of traveling going to different crypto-related conferences and filming the events. The first event I joined was the Crypto Commons Gathering (CCG) in Austria back in August 2021 where we also shot full podcast episode-worthy interviews with some of the attendees as well.

For the first episode in the CCG Chronicles series, I interviewed Jeff Emmett (@jeffemmett) from The Commons Stack. During the interview we spoke about the vision for the tools being built by The Commons Stack team, cyber-physical systems design, and mycelial networks. Funny enough, Jeff was actually the second person I ever interviewed in which I published it as a blog which you can find here if you want to read it.

If you want to financially support our efforts in making the documentary, you can donate so far with bitcoin, ethereum (any layer), or NEAR at the addresses listed on the website. We’re still unsure when exactly anything will be published, but we’re hoping within the next year although that will depend on the amount of support we can get from the community.

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