CCG Chronicles #12 – Origins of the Crypto Commons

During the CCG I interviewed a co-founder of the event and organization that runs it, the Crypto Commons AssociationFelix Fritsch (@FelixFritsch2) . Felix is a PhD student who focuses on the synthesis of cryptocurrencies with commons theory and has written articles like  “Challenges and Approaches to Scaling the Global Commons” with many others including those who have been on the podcast before. During the interview we spoke about his story for getting involved in the crypto commons movement, starting the Crypto Commons Association and Gathering, and Autonomist Marxism. This will be the final installment of the CCG Chronicles.

This episode is a continuation of the CCG Chronicles series which is a collection of interviews conducted during the Crypto Commons Gathering (CCG) in Austria back in August 2021. The interviews were also filmed to potentially be a part of a documentary I’m making with a few others.

If you want to financially support our efforts in making the documentary, you can donate so far with bitcoin, ethereum (any layer), or NEAR at the addresses listed on the website. We’re still unsure when exactly anything will be published, but we’re hoping within the next year although that will depend on the amount of support we can get from the community.

ICYMI – The first documentary teaser was just released! You can watch it here. Be sure to subscribe to the channel on YouTube and follow the account on Twitter.  You can read a lot more information about the documentary on the website at

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