CCG Chronicles #3 – The autopoiesis of complexity and the cognitariat

This episode is a continuation of the CCG Chronicles series which is a collection of interviews conducted during the Crypto Commons Gathering (CCG) in Austria back in August 2021. The interviews were also filmed to potentially be a part of a documentary I’m making with a few others.

I interviewed Denis ‘Jaromil’ Roio, founder of Dyne a “think and do tank” and Devuan GNU/Linux, and CTO of DECODE, an EU funded project using blockchain to help citizens stay  in control of whether they keep their personal data private or share it for the public good in their city. He has been heavily involved with leftwing movements in Europe as well as one of the first to do academic research on bitcoin.

If you want to financially support our efforts in making the documentary, you can donate so far with bitcoin, ethereum (any layer), or NEAR at the addresses listed on the website. We’re still unsure when exactly anything will be published, but we’re hoping within the next year although that will depend on the amount of support we can get from the community.

If you liked the podcast be sure to give it a review on your preferred podcast platform. If you find content like this important consider donating to my Patreon starting at just $3 per month. It takes quite a lot of my time and resources so any amount helps. Follow me on Twitter (@TBSocialist) and join the r/CryptoLeftists subreddit and Discord to join the discussion.

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