Crypto Futures Documentary Teaser

The teaser for the documentary I’ve been filming the past months is finally out!

You can follow the developments of the film on Twitter, the YouTube channel, or by checking out the website.

If you are interested in helping out the film through grants, have video editing, animation, or graphic design skills and would like to help out, feel free to reach out to us at cryptofuturesdoc[at]

Below is some more information about how we’re planning to frame the main points of the film at the moment.


In recent history, Web2 platforms controlled by centralized companies as well as most nation-states have shown to be incapable to address the major issues we are facing today. Web3 is a quickly emerging layer being built on top of the internet using blockchains, a shared platform for economic collaboration that circumvents many of the incumbent authorities and institutions.

While it’s clear that current digital platforms are failing to keep up with their techno-utopian promises, on the surface, the blockchain hype hasn’t offered a clear valuable alternative to the general population either. Is there a niche within the crypto ecosystem that can see beyond the usual limits of our economic imaginations using this innovative technology?

A confused podcaster turned filmmaker with several years of experience in the blockchain space sets out on a quest to understand this seemingly contradictory set of ideas and the people building on this technology. To do this he goes to both mainstream and more alternative gatherings and conferences where some seem to be more interested in individual wealth accumulation, while others want to to create spaces of collective autonomy in order to achieve more control and freedom in their lives.


It’s been a repeated pattern in our technological age that new tech gets introduced into the mass market with a specific techno-utopian vision for the future which seems to never be achieved in an equitable way. Mainstream media coverage is partly to blame for this as these visions of the future get uncritically pushed. The question is rarely ever raised whether the future proposed is something people actually want. This is especially the case with cryptocurrencies.

This documentary is a call to action. We want to show to viewers that this is a critical moment for the development of a technology that can have profound effects on society and in order to take part, you don’t need to be a software developer or technologist. We don’t want to focus on the technical aspects of crypto, but on the feelings and narratives that are driving the different potential futures being worked on at the same time. This will help viewers determine which future they would like to begin supporting rather than solely believing the mainstream discourse is the only one possible. The aim is to promote a beacon of hope for a disillusioned and resigned digital world.

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