Funding Musician Coops Using Community Tokens with Ampled

For this week’s episode, I spoke with Austin Robey, cofounder of Ampled, a cooperatively owned music platform owned by artists and workers similar to Patreon. He recently published an article through Forefront titled “How Community Tokens Can Power Cooperatives.”

During the interview we talk about how Ampled is working to create a cooperative alternative to Patreon for musicians, the struggle of raising funds for platform cooperatives, and the recent proposal he made for starting a community token around the Ampled platform. The community token would be a type of local currency for the Ampled ecosystem. It would allow for the cooperative to recognize their workers contributions and potentially give them an avenue for paying for things like rent. You can start giving to a specific musician on Ampled or to the community as a whole starting a $3 per month.

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