Sanctions are Economic Terrorism: Crypto in Iran

It has been reported that the country of Iran has been using bitcoin to get around sanctions imposed by the United States. Some Iranians are even using it as a hedge against inflation some say. To get a better understanding on the situation, I spoke to Salman Sadeghi (@salman_sadeghi), a Masters student at GCAS studying cryptoeconomics based in Iran.

During the interview we discuss the experience on the ground for Iranians that are suffering under these sanctions, how he was personally effected by these sanctions, and his favorite left philosophers for understanding cryptocurrency. He also gives very interesting insight as to why the government recently banned bitcoin mining in the country purportedly because of the strain on the energy grid (hint: that wasn’t the reason).

These sanctions are economic terrorism against innocent people. As Lenin once said, imperialism is the highest form of capitalism.

More Sources
My interview with  the founder of GCAS, Creston Davis
Cryptocurrency Update from GCAS by Salman Sadeghi

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