If you find the content I make important enough to want to support The Blockchain Socialist, you can pitch in to my efforts starting at $3 per month on patreon.com/theblockchainsocialist to help out. Any amount really helps since making this stuff isn’t free in terms of money or time.
As a patron you’ll get a shout out on a podcast episode, and special access on the Crypto Leftist Discord to a patron only channel and to exclusive podcast content like Q&A episodes where you can submit and vote on questions about blockchain and left politics you’d like me to answer.

If you want to stay true to your crypto principles and stay away from centrally owned platforms like Patreon, another option is to join the TBS DAO which gives you all of the same benefits as Patreon and more. Becoming a member of TBS DAO involves minting $BREAD from the Breadchain Crowdstaking Application and subscribing via the TBS Subscription NFT which stays active by paying 10 $BREAD per 30 days. The NFT helps you open token gated content and more. You can learn more on the TBS DAO page.
Additionally if you want to help by giving a donation in cryptocurrency you can give to these addresses:
Ethereum (Mainnet or any L2): 0xc2fB4B3EA53E10c88D193E709A81C4dc7aEC902e
ENS: theblockchainsocialist.eth
Bitcoin: bc1q4xnhuk99eapun5jtd6evafvnpx5eayulrujd9z
Tezos: tz1eEYLvjtcvNL8tXzaud6rUa2juoZopWbJG
Cosmos: cosmos1ltd4t9gzjgl0l6p2za6chhkjd5rl94y0syfj5p
Polkadot: 13i6sZ1a8yFaCqdZvbiz1duQ5DchpmQCNSrfucEJzuM6Gyxs
Zcash: t1QFWMVUjax7uA6ZmPzTGJM6utmc3zDGmNY
Monero: 43u9QLMz5o3QLAKbo8S8FNJTLg5e3uNL6bygFsAH6YP8YXqNujDaqE3LNCwvucSPG4QNNms6gpM4mdUhnzHU3FSdJeVaYbH
NEAR: tbsocialist.near
Solana: 6QUbpTYJ52wAvVVoa54YicenvtCK8nRT348TmM77YpkU
Nano: nano_3xmzm5sfcxag4fnah8uqxqgg16wwtwwgsi54rb7ykwxxw8andy5y66378wkq
Thanks for considering giving me some financial support! Contact me directly if you’ve donated to me through cryptocurrency and want Patreon benefits or want to support the platform non-monetarily.