The Blockchain Socialist Podcast Introduction

That’s right. It’s the first episode and introduction of the TBS podcast. To be honest I’ve never done a podcast before so if you have tips or tricks to help make it better, let me know! 

The plan is to use this podcast for interviews or discussions with others in the blockchain space instead of transcribing them every time. It might also be used to expand on concepts I’ve written about or discussed. The podcast will help provide alternatives to reading since not everyone will always have the time to read and would prefer to listen instead. I think the podcast will also change and evolve as time goes on but will be up to what listeners like you would want to listen to.

I’ve also decided to try republishing articles on Medium to see how they do. You can check out the first one I’ve done, one of my favorites to write, Cocaine, the ICO Bubble, and Neoliberalism. If you haven’t read it yet, be sure to give it a look and share it if you like it. Medium’s not my favorite site for articles, but it has a pretty big audience tuned into tech so I think it would be worth giving a shot.

If you liked the podcast and want to see more content like this, please consider donating to my Patreon so I can continue to make episodes without ads. Also, please sign up for the Newsletter, follow me on Twitter (@TBSocialist), and join the r/CryptoLeftists subreddit to continue the discussion and give your thoughts.

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