This week I decided to do something a little bit different and go solo. For this episode I wanted to analyze the mindset and beliefs in a lot of the mainstream cryptocurrency discourse. In order to do that I wanted to use someone who is a popular figure and thought leader in the space, Erik Voorhees. Erik is the CEO of ShapeShift, an pseudo-anonymous cryptocurrency exchange turned definitely-not-anonymous cryptocurrency exchange in order to comply to new regulations. Before that he also started several bitcoin-ventures including bitcoin gambling site Satoshi Dice and was known for being one of the first people to go “full-crypto”.
What probably won’t be surprising is that Erik is also very openly libertarian, of the pro-capitalist variety and a lot of people in Crypto World like to listen Erik’s opinions. Erik was recently in an interview for Consensus, hosted by Coindesk, one of the biggest online publications for cryptocurrency news, about the Future of Wealth and I think it provided a great window to understand the libertarian mindset a little more. Therefore I thought he would be a good case study for understanding the mind of the average crypto-libertarian.
Keep in mind that this isn’t the belief of everyone, but it is for a prominent segment of the mainstream. It’s important that we understand where they come from in order to create an alternative.
Podcast Platforms:
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/3geORcile9E1EyPyFiAHhM?si=x7fjsFhURsSBlErXnihh9A
iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-blockchain-socialist/id1501607045
Stitcher: https://www.stitcher.com/podcast/the-blockchain-socialist
Podcast Addict: https://podplayer.net/?podId=2598359
Deezer: https://www.deezer.com/us/show/961422
Sources Used
ShapeShift site
Totally not apolitical cryptocurrency book recommendations for noobies from ShapeShift
Down the Rabbit Hole Trailer
Down the Rabbit Hole Interview with Erik
Consensus Interview with Erik
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