Funding Musician Coops Using Community Tokens with Ampled
For this week’s episode, I spoke with Austin Robey, cofounder of Ampled, a cooperatively owned music platform owned by artists and workers similar to Patreon. He recently published an article through Forefront titled “How Community Tokens Can Power Cooperatives.” During the interview we talk about how Ampled is working to create a cooperative alternative to Patreon for…
We Need More Sociologists in the Blockchain Space!
For this week’s interview I spoke with Kris Jones (@KrisJ_Official) who wrote his Masters thesis in 2018 titled “Toward a Political Sociology of Blockchain” as well as another article titled “Blockchain in or as governance? Evolutions in experimentation, social impacts, and prefigurative practice in the blockchain and DAO space.” He also has a Medium profile where he…
Would Marx Have traded Dogecoin? Interview with 1Dime
For this week’s episode, I spoke with 1Dime (@TheRapNerd7), a youtuber who focuses on videos about politics, critical theory, and pop culture. During the interview we talk about his latest video which was a Marxist analysis of the stock market, how Karl Marx would probably be a dogecoin trader, and why many of the left’s criticisms of crypto tend…
The Promise of People Powered Money with CirclesUBI
For this interview I spoke to Julio Linares (@Julio_Linares_) an Economic Anthropologist studied under David Graeber at the LSE, Social Outreach at the Basic Income Org, and Research & Community for CirclesUBI (@CirclesUBI). CirclesUBI is a project seeking to provide people a universal basic income using the xDAI ethereum sidechain based on mutual credit. You may have…
ERP Technology Companies are Centralized Planners of the Economy
For this episode I spoke to Chris D’Costa (@cjdcosta), the founder of Totem Live Accounting (@totem_live_). Totem is building a real-time global accounting ledger built on the Polkadot blockchain to compete against traditional accounting and ERP software. I thought it was interesting to hear how blockchain could potentially be used to develop alternatives to the bureaucratic free…
Crypto influencers, The Fakefluencer, and the dirty underwear of capitalism
This week’s episode is dedicated to the crypto influencers. For the first half I give a crash course on the history and some of the more well known influencers and for the second half I have an interview with Tom Gillespie (@TomPeterGill), former currency trader on the Perth stock exchange turned TV investigator and filmmaker…
Moral Panic! about the Internet? Try data sovereignty
For this week’s episode I spoke to Dr. Emaline Friedman (@emalinus4). She is a network activist for the Commons Engine, part of Holochain, a social critic and theorist, has a PhD in psychology, a writer for Mad In America, a researcher at GCAS, and author of the recent book Internet Addiction: A Critical Psychology of Users. During the interview…
Haha meme printer go brrrrr feat. Mike Watson of The Acid Left
For this week’s interview I spoke with Mike Watson (@_leftaesthetics), co-host of The Acid Left and author of “Towards a Conceptual Militancy” and “Can the Left Learn to Meme: Lessons for the cultural left, from cat memes to gaming, to Stranger Things, and more.” with an upcoming book “The Memeing of Mark Fisher: How the Frankfurt School…
Using blockchain to make the artworlds we want with Furtherfield
For this week’s interview I spoke with Ruth Catlow, Artistic Director at Furtherfield (@furtherfield), a not-for-profit international community hub for arts, technology and social change founded with Marc Garrett in London, in 1996. Co-editor of Artists Re:Thinking the Blockchain, Director of DECAL Decentralised Arts Lab, a Furtherfield initiative which exists to mobilise research and development by leading artists, using…
Early bitcoin politics: Digital metallism vs Infrastructural mutualism
For this week’s interview I spoke with Matt Cropp (@MattCropp), a Co-Director of the Vermont Employee Ownership Center, where he works on public education, outreach, and the conversion of businesses to employee ownership for ownership succession. Matt has a really interesting profile in that he was involved in bitcoin during the early years and actually used…
Day trading our way to the revolution feat. Jaynemesis
For this week’s interview I spoke with Jay Smith (@jaynemesis) one of the top earning traders on eToro, a social trading platform where people can “copy” the trades of traders and a percentage of the money they earn goes to them. What’s interesting about Jay is that while doing this he’s also openly left wing as he’s a…
Recognizing value in open source communities with SourceCred feat. Dandelion Mané
For this episode I interview Dandelion Mané (@decentralion) and talk about their work on SourceCred (@sourcecred), a tool for communities to measure and reward value creation, which they founded. As the name suggests, Cred is the core idea of SourceCred. Cred is a score which is earned by making contributions to a project. A participant’s score…
Avoiding co-optation of the commons under capitalism
For this interview I sat down with Hannes Gerhardt, professor of Human Geography at the University of West Georgia and author of a recent piece in ROAR Magazine titled, Blockchains: Building blocks for a postcapitalist future? . He has published on a wide range of political and economic issues and is currently working on a book exploring pathways to…
Designing post-capitalism with the Economic Space Agency feat. Akseli Virtanen
For this week’s podcast I spoke to Akseli Virtanen (@econaut6), one of the founders of the Economic Space Agency (@ecospaceagency) (ECSA), an organization for exploring protocols for post-capitalist economic expression. Akseli previously founded the Robin Hood Cooperative Hedge Fund and has been referred as The Andy Warhol of Finance. During the interview we talk about how ECSA is …
GCAS: The Cooperatively owned College on the Blockchain
This week I spoke to Creston Davis, founder of the Global Center of Advanced Studies (@GCASCollege), the first cooperatively run college using their own ethereum-enabled token (called GCASY) that represents shares in the college that can be used for paying for tuition and other expenses. Many well-known academics are a part of GCAS, including Alain Badiou and they’ve hosted seminars from…
Enabling Blockchain to Fight against Imperialism in the Caribbean feat. Stefen Deleveaux
This week I spoke with Stefen Deleveaux (@stefdelev), the president of the Caribbean Blockchain Alliance (CBA). The CBA is an organization that advocates for the use of blockchain in Caribbean, educates developers , and collaborates with regulators to create regulatory frameworks in the region. One of the purposes of the organization is to help create a more…
Technical Analysis is Just Horoscopes for Chart People feat. Andrew Ancheta
This week I interviewed Andrew Ancheta (@TrampAbroad1), a freelance journalist who previously wrote for crypto publications, but most recently wrote an article in the leftwing journal Current Affairs called The Crypto Casino. It’s a great article, and I don’t say that just because I’m featured in it :). The article is in the currently most recent issue of…
What Cooperatives and Blockchain Can Learn From Each Other feat. Morshed Mannan
This week I spoke with Morshed Mannan (@MannanMorshed), a PhD candidate at Leiden Law School in The Netherlands and Research Fellow at the Institute for the Cooperative Digital Economy at The New School. His research interest in cooperatives and digital technologies eventually led him to blockchain and he’s produced some really interesting research and seminars…
Commons Based Peer Production on the Blockchain feat. Michel Bauwens of the P2P Foundation
This week I spoke to Michel Bauwens, the founder of the Foundation for Peer-to-Peer Alternatives and works in collaboration with a global group of researchers in the exploration of peer production, governance, and property and is known for his work on The Political Economy of Peer Production. Much of his work revolves around exploring peer production as…
One WEIRD trick: A Radical Strategy to Finance the Revolution feat. Jonathan Beller
This week I spoke to Jonathan Beller, a professor of Media Studies at Pratt Institute in Brooklyn NY with a forthcoming book “The World Computer: Derivative Conditions of Racial Capitalism.” He recently wrote “How We Short Capitalism – And Finance the Revolution” in CoinDesk. The article is really interesting in that it proposes we invest in…
What Would Marx think about Cryptocurrency? feat. Mark Alizart, author of Cryptocommunism
This week I spoke with Mark Alizart, a philosopher and the author of The Climate Coup, Dogs, and most recently Cryptocommunism which has recently been translated into English from French and published by Polity Books. In the book, Mark argues that the significance of cryptocurrencies goes well beyond cryptoanarchism. In so far as they allow…
Why the Left Should Care about Value Accounting feat. Dr. Sarah Grace Manski
This week I spoke with Dr. Sarah Grace Manski, she has a PhD in Global Studies from UC Santa Barbara and is now a professor at George Mason University. On one side she’s done quite a bit of work for unions and written for Jacobin and on the other side she’s the founder of the International Society…
Art, Weed, and Blockchain feat. Chibu Ichiban of afuturemodern
This week I spoke to Chibu Ichiban, a founding member of afuturemodern, a network of coops delivering liberation tech to the masses through art, culture, and basic services. Their mission is to drive mass adoption of humanity’s most radical innovations by shaping them for society’s most marginalized and revolutionary communities. They leverage art, culture, service,…
Giving the Power of Money to the People through Decentralized Mutual Credit Networks ft. Aleeza Howitt from Trustlines
This week I spoke to Aleeza Howitt (@aleezagroks), a contributor to the Trustlines protocol. Trustlines is a mPoS (minimal viable Proof of Stake) sidechain to Ethereum and stores transactions for a system of decentralized mutual credit. Mutual credit is an alternative medium of exchange to most money that we use today in which “money” is created through…
Are Public Goods Always “Good” and Will Personal Tokens Just Lead to Slavery ft. Annaliese Milano
This week I sat down with PhD student at the London School of Economics under David Graeber and Laura Bear in Anthropology and occasional CoinDesk contributor, Annaliese Milano (@AnnalieseMilano). In this episode we spoke about her current research interests in public goods, or what she prefers to call public things. Her research suggests that studying…
Screw capitalism, start a cult, and burn your money ft. Jonathan Harris aka Money Burning Guy
For this episode I spoke with Jonathan Harris (@jonone100) aka Money Burning Guy who was recently featured as a panelist at the Consensus: Distributed conference on their panel Soft Money hosted by Joon Ian Wong and Annaliese Milano and was joined by Brett Scott, who was last episode’s guest. Jonathan is the author of The…
The War on Cash and The Coercive Nature of Money ft. Brett Scott
This week I spoke to financial activist and author of The Heretic’s Guide to Global Finance Hacking the Future of Finance Brett Scott (@Suitpossum). His last book was written in response to the Occupy Wall Street protests and is a guide to the world of high finance and the emergent forms of alternative finance, alternative currencies and…
Musicians of the World Unite and Decolonize the Music Industry feat. Rich Jensen from Resonate
This week I spoke with Rich Jensen (@richjensen), Co-op Executive of Resonate (@ResonateCoop). Resonate is a cooperatively owned music streaming platform aiming to give more power to artists rather than corporate record labels and VC-funded tech companies.On average their model gives a larger payout to artists as compared to other music streaming platforms like Spotify. Rich has…
From Feudalism to Capitalism to (Hopefully) Beyond feat. Dr. Joel Garrod (Part 2)
This is Part 2 of my interview with Dr. Joel Z Garrod, a sociologist based in Canada and author of a recently published article, “On the property of blockchains: comments on an emerging literature.” The paper focuses on blockchain and property relations in connection to global property relations and the evolution of capitalism. For this…
Property Relations on the Blockchain feat. Dr. Joel Garrod (Part 1)
This week I sat with Dr. Joel Z Garrod, a sociologist based in Canada and author of a recently published article, “On the property of blockchains: comments on an emerging literature.” The paper focuses on blockchain and property relations in connection to global property relations and the evolution of capitalism. I really enjoyed the article…
Own the Value of your Labor with DAOs feat. Daniel Kronovet from Colony
This week I interviewed Daniel Kronovet (@kronosapiens) at Colony, “An Operating System for Organizations”. The Colony Network is a suite of smart contracts, running on Ethereum. It provides a general purpose framework for the essential functions organizations require, such as ownership, structure, authority, and financial management. Along the way, we talk about organizations and society…
Why the Left Should Care About Blockchain Identity and Quadratic Voting feat. Paula Berman from Democracy Earth
This week I spoke with Paula Berman (@_paulaberman), researcher at the Democracy Earth Foundation (@DemocracyEarth) which is a tech non-profit that aims to create platforms for decentralized and incorruptible online governance. Their projects have largely been based on Ethereum. In the interview we discuss the identity problem for decentralized platforms like blockchain, the advantages of…
Fighting Uber with blockchain cooperatives feat. Dardan Isufi from Eva Coop
This week I spoke with Dardan Isufi (@DardanIsufi), COO of the Eva Coop (@Eva_coop) which is a cooperative ride-sharing application based on blockchain started in Montreal and expanding to other cities. We discuss taking on Uber while trying to build a democratic and non-exploitative alternative like Eva. You can also find the podcast and future episodes on…
Crypto Commie Circlejerk: Interview with Ben Arc (@BTCSocialist)
A couple of weeks ago I had the opportunity to speak with Ben Arc (@BTCSocialist), one of the first openly leftist guy in bitcoin and significant contributor to the bitcoin FOSS space. In this episode we discuss what it was like for him to be one of the only people loudly represent the Left, and,…
Interview with Jeff Emmett from The Commons Stack
This week I had the opportunity to sit down with Jeff Emmet, a Token Engineering Researcher for Giveth and The Commons Stack. In the interview we discuss how The Commons Stack is trying to create blockchain tools for handling the commons, political biases in crypto, and crypto-economic systems. Note this interview took part over email…